- Engineering
- Hydraulic Design
- Mechanical Design
- Testing Facility

Hydraulic Design
To cater to our client’s requirements we provide calculations of various parameters based on inputs received from clients with respect to tower diameter, number of stages involved in the process, HETP and pressure drop for grass root and revamp projects. These calculations are performed for packed columns as well as tray columns
The design calculations include design of tower internals for optimisation of process with respect to pressure drop and efficiency of columns.
Mechanical Design
Designing & drafting of entire range of tower internals & trays is done using Auto-Cad tools. The design of Internals also includes software for uniform distribution of liquids. Mechanical strength analysis of all the internals is done using in house developed software.

Testing Facility
MTPI Products Private Limited has in house facility to test various kinds of distributors. Uniformity of distribution over the tower cross section is tested under different loading conditions. The facility is capable of handling distributors up to 4.0 meter diameter.